JsonCpp project page Classes Namespace JsonCpp home page

Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NJsonJSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
 CFeaturesConfiguration passed to reader and writer
 CCharReaderInterface for reading JSON from a char array
 CCharReaderBuilderBuild a CharReader implementation
 CExceptionBase class for all exceptions we throw
 CRuntimeErrorExceptions which the user cannot easily avoid
 CLogicErrorExceptions thrown by JSON_ASSERT/JSON_FAIL macros
 CStaticStringLightweight wrapper to tag static string
 CValueRepresents a JSON value
 CPathArgumentExperimental and untested: represents an element of the "path" to access a node
 CPathExperimental and untested: represents a "path" to access a node
 CValueIteratorBaseBase class for Value iterators
 CValueConstIteratorConst iterator for object and array value
 CValueIteratorIterator for object and array value
 CFactoryA simple abstract factory
 CStreamWriterBuilderBuild a StreamWriter implementation